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Media Properties:
Media Ref #    SJ_0XPCTQZ
Media Name:    Louiza Leeloo
Author:    G. A. Volb
Copyright:    Shutterjock LLC
Hits:    2222
Last Modified:    11/02/2015
Added Date:    11/02/2015
License Type:    Royalty Free
Media Type:    Image
Release Status:    No Release  
Black & White:    No
Orientation:    N/A
Sold:    0 times
Description:    Ms. Louiza Leeloo heads out to the desert with Shutterjock's G. A. Volb for an environmental photoshoot. (Photos by G. A. Volb/Shutterjock)
Keywords:    Louiza Leeloo Shutterjock PhotoShoot Portraits Mojave Desert Barstow California Photo by G. A. Volb/Shutterjock ShutterjockFan Photography Digital Images Shutterjock MultiMedia
Copyright String Photo by G.A.Volb

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